Periodic Testing

This is a means of inspecting and testing an existing installation in order to determine any damage or defects within that installation. Periodic Testing would also specify the necessary remedial measures to ensure an acceptable level of protection against possible electric shocks and burns. It also helps to protect against fire and excessive heat that could be caused by a defect in an installation. This is in accordance with ET101 : 2004 and ET101 : 2008. Due to our vast experience in this field, Geoghegan Electrical can provide you with a comprehensive report and advice on any aspect of your installation

Suggested intervals between periodic tests and inspections.

Type of Installation
Max. Period between inspections
Domestic Premises 5 years
Commercial Premises 5 years
Educational Establishments 5 years
Cinemas 1 year
Leisure Complexes 1 year
Places of Public Entertainment 1 year
Theatres etc; 1 year
Petrol Filing Stations 1 year